GI Funding
This page lists sources of funding for creating and managing green infrastructure in cities, towns and villages.
It does not include funding for large-scale tree planting or nature-based solutions (eg natural flood management) predominantly relevant to rural landowners.
We try to keep this page up-to-date – if you spot errors or omissions please let us know by emailing gip-uk@tcpa.org.uk

Community Ownership Fund: Community Ownership Fund: prospectus – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
National Lottery Heritage Fund: Funding | The National Lottery Heritage Fund
Tesco Community Grants: Tesco Community Grants
Esmée Fairbairn Foundation: Apply for funding
Kew Gardens Grow Wild: Grow Wild Grants

Mayor of London’s funding for green spaces: Green space funding | London City Hall
HS2 Community and Environment Fund: The Community and Environment Fund – HS2 Community and Business Funds (hs2funds.org.uk)
Trees for Streets: For councils – Trees for Streets

Facility for Investment Ready Nature Scotland (FIRNS): Working together to fund growth in investment in nature and communities | The National Lottery Heritage Fund

Tiny Forests in Wales: Coetiroedd Bach: Tiny Forests in Wales | The National Lottery Heritage Fund

Northern Ireland:
We are currently not aware of any funding specific to Northern Ireland – please see the ‘UK-wide’ section above.